Daniel Hernández
As a scientist, my goal is to address issues that have social significance or help us to preserve life on our planet. I'm also interested in databases, data on the Web, and incomplete information. My general research question is how people and communities can organize their knowledge and communicate on the Web. Why proposals as the Semantic Web and Linked Data have not been adopted as one would have liked? This is not a simple problem. It involves technical and human issues. Worst, we don't have an agreement on what we would have liked. I believe that the Web of Data has to be universal, that is, has not to depend on a particular culture, software, hardware, nor tech giant. Today, human communications are mainly controlled by a few tech giants, who have favored political manipulation, aggravated biases, and taken away to the people the control of their data. Is the Semantic Web feasible? Would it contribute to a desired utopia or an unintended dystopia?
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Analytic Computing department of the Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems at University of Stuttgart. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Science Department at Aalborg University and worked at Millennium Institute Foundational Research on Data in Chile. I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile. I'm interested in Open Data, databases, and the Web.
- Contact: daniel@degu.cl, danielh.hernandez@ki.uni-stuttgart.de.
- Research profiles: orcid, dblp, google.
- Other websites: dcc.uchile.cl.
- Social:
- Daniel Hernández, Luis Galárraga, and Katja Hose. Computing how-provenance for SPARQL queries via query rewriting. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2021-09. (experiment)
- Daniel Hernández, Claudio Gutiérrez, and Aidan Hogan. Certain Answers for SPARQL with Blank Nodes. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Monterey, California, USA, Oct 8-12, 2018. (experiment)
- Daniel Hernández and Claudio Gutiérrez. Semantics for querying paths in graph databases: No-repeated-node or no-repeated-edge?. Proceedings of the 11th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management and the Web, Montevideo, Uruguay, June 7-9, 2017.
- Daniel Hernández, Aidan Hogan, Cristian Riveros, Carlos Rojas, and Enzo Zerega. Querying Wikidata: Comparing SPARQL, Relational and Graph Databases. International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Kobe, Japan, Oct 17-21, 2016. (experiment)
- Claudio Gutiérrez, Daniel Hernández, Aidan Hogan, and Axel Polleres. Certain Answers for SPARQL?. Proceedings of the Alberto Mendelzon Workshop (AMW), Panama, Panama, June 6-10, 2016. [article] [slides]
- Daniel Hernández, Aidan Hogan, and Markus Krötzsch. Reifying RDF: What Works Well With Wikidata?. International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS), Bethlehem, Pensylvania, Oct 11, 2015. (experiment)
- Daniel Hernández and Claudio Gutiérrez. Disentangling the notion of SPARQL dataset. Proceedings of the Alberto Mendelzon Workshop (AMW), Lima, Peru, May 6-8, 2015. (slides)